ANSoft -internet- HomePage
last modified Aug. 20 2012
Welcome to our homepage.
This is the
(pronounce;"ei-en-soft") home page,From Tokyo,Japan.
We are the Mailorder Freeware Maker.
But, we can't deliver our software to foreign country.
Our programs speaks 2Bytes code.(Japanese;"KANJI.")
Our programs required a special version of Visual Basic.(it is sold only in Japan.)
We thought that we can't support you enough.(We can't speak English well...)
But never mind. We prepared some link menus for foreign friends.
적습니다만, 영어 외에, 한국어도 사용해 보았습니다.
About Me.
My simple self-introduction(자기 소개).
ANSoft Facebook Page.
our Facebook Page.
LINK room
My favorite homepages.(Bilingual)
"ANSoft -internet- HOME PAGE" / ANSoft(C)1996, From Tokyo,Japan.
Please correct my ruined English....